Moxie People Series | Meet Talia Londoner
Moxie Class of 2020 - The Creative
This is another session of Moxie People to get us all more acquainted with our community (this time in English for our Talia). While we are in the midst of a second Covid quarantine, Moxie’s fundamentals are getting stronger and more relevant than ever and enable us all to keep in touch even when the creators studios are closed.
Shooting the Moxie People sessions via Zoom was our solution to the ongoing social distancing required in Israel.
Moxie Class of 2020 campaign tells a story about people who have got Moxie. Having moxie means having enough cleverness, skill, creativity and fortitude to solve a difficult situation. 'Moxie' also implies stylishness.
The campaign is presenting a group of inspiring characters, each woman is different, all are bold and outstanding.
One of the characters who inspired us for the Moxie creative image, is Talia Londoner. A Tel-aviv based singer/songwriter and a yoga instructor.Talia was born in L.A. She made Aliyah to Israel a few years ago, she has been spreading joy and creative vibes to all of us ever since.
Following a warm introduction at The Voice Israel, we can't stop listening to her sing (see for yourselves at the short video below).
Talia Londoner | the Multitask
Hey! I’m Talia Londoner. 32 and thriving, Los Angeles born and raised singer/songwriter and yoga instructor now living in Tel Aviv. A day in the life would usually go as follows; 7am wake up…slowly, walk Frankie (my boxer/ridgeback baby boy), write my morning pages (shoutout to Julia Cameron!) go teach a few power vinyasa classes and between 12-13:00 probably make my way over to Oren Emanuel’s studio (my close friend, producer and writing partner) for a songwriting session until about 17/18:00, which is when I’ll teach an evening class or two, head home for dinner, Netflix and chilllllllll tf out with my boo Boaz Aquino. I’m currently getting ready to release my first ever single as a solo artist which is hella scary and exciting all at the same time!
1. Where do you seek inspiration?
I find that it’s really hard to find inspiration when you’re looking for it. They say the same thing about love. I believe it comes when you’re least expecting it, and then BAM! It smacks you across the face and knocks you off your feet.
2. What other ability do you wish you could have?
Ooooof! So many haha! I honestly wish I had taken my piano and guitar lessons more seriously as a child. Would’ve helped me out SO MUCH right now!
3. Describe Talia Londoner in one word?
One word?! But I’m not just one thing - next question! ;)
4. Tell us about the best advice you ever got
My grandma Laura once told me “Tally, this may seem like a crock of shit to you right now but know that when you get old like me, you never regret the things you did, only the things you didn’t do.” That’s one that will stay with me forever.
5. What is the most substantial or unique achievement in your life so far?
I’ve been writing songs ever since I first learned to write, so having a song I wrote chosen to compete in Eurovision is a pretty big deal honestly. Also, my band and I were invited to play SXSW this year but then Covid came and canceled life as we know it. (Go to my insta to listen to “COVID BLUES” written by me and my mom!)
6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
I see myself after my first world tour, writing and recording my 2nd (or 3rd) album, living on a ranch somewhere in a self-built oasis with a small recording studio and yoga studio, a kid or two running around, a few dogs…you know - the simple life *wink wink*.
7. How has year 2020 affected you, and what have you learned or can take onwards from it?
“2020 is the year of CHALLENGE!” That’s the first thing Boaz said today when he woke up. And it’s, well…true. But it’s strange what challenge can bring if you allow yourself to be open to it. It’s been hard and there have been some major disappointments, but like my dad says, “good always comes outta bad”, so I’m doing what I can to stay creative and to keep busy, especially now that we’re back in lockdown. This hasn’t been an easy year for anyone, I’m sure, but we have to continue to believe in ourselves and to be proud of all the hard work we’ve accomplished to get to where we are now, even if now sucks, it’s gonna get better. It has to.
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